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The invaders dinner.

actor:Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin, Yin

Latest Rating:9.3
Highest number of likes:233134
language:The Japanese
class:Drama, comedy and suspicion.
director:water field
subtitle:Shinnyuushatachino Banansan, Treassers, The Invaders' Dinner and the Invaders' Dinner
blurb:At the end of a year's night, Ashikō (Kimchi Rinchi), Hui (Pianji Paper), and Shane Hui (Kimchi Sheep) three invaded the mansion of the president of the company, Nanji (Kimchi Rinchi). time dates back to a month ago, Ashikō, who worked in the home business, heard from his colleagues that the president of the company had escaped taxes, and put him at home.
detail:On a year-end night, Aichi (Kimchi Reno), Hui (Pin Rock Paper), and Shane Hui (Kimchi Sheep) three invaded the housing of the President of the company (White Rock Honey Dressing). time dates back to a month ago, Aichi, who worked in the home business, heard from colleagues of Hui that the President of the company escaped taxes, put a lot of cash in the house.
remark:The right.
Update time: 2025-02-04 19:06:52


