actor:川口春奈, 松村北斗, 田中圭, 长滨祢留, JIRO, 户塚纯贵, 香音, 东野绚香, 桥本爱实, 浅野堇, 濑户朝香, 横田真悠, 中田久留美, 稻垣来泉, 八木亚希子, 光石研, 板谷由夏, 中尾明庆, 森迫永依
Latest Rating:5.6
Highest number of likes:5814
language:The Japanese
director:The brave river.
blurb:Actress川口春奈(29) will star in the NTV土10 series "ensemble", which opened in January next year, and play the lawyer with the first collaboration of SixTONES members Matsumura Beidou(29) as a lawyer, this is a new original legal love story that depicts a completely different court series so far.Kava is the first to star in the NTV series series, the drama is directed by the country's Gigi咲贵, the bridge broomman, and the 3 people in the drama,川口 plays a realistic humanitarian lawyer, Xiao Moan Shane, she and Matsumura play the idealistic new lawyer, the best partner, challenging various love disputes trial, the completely opposite character of the two people around the love ideals and reality in the court also often argue.
detail:Actress川口春奈(29) will star next January NTV土10 series "ensemble" and play the lawyer with the first collaboration combination SixTONES member Matsumura Beidou(29), this is a new original legal love story that depicts different from the court series so far. this drama is the first NTV series series "ensemble " which is starred by NTV TV station series, starring two people completely opposite character around love ideals and reality in court also often argue. but, in the process of solving each love dispute in the best form, she and Matsumura play the idealistic new lawyer.
remark:Updated to 2
Update time:
2025-02-02 19:13:42