hot point
actor:The city of the real day,角田晃广,铃木杏,平岩紙,夏帆,坂井真纪,田中直樹,小日向文世,野吕佳代,住田萌乃, white stone也,木南晴夏,池松壮亮,菊地凛子
Latest Rating:9.2
Highest number of likes:155159
language:The Japanese
class:Theatre, Theatre
director:Waterman, Yamada Trust, and松田健斗
subtitle:Alien at the foot of the mountain, HotSot resumes the life team.
blurb:In a small town in Japan's proud Fuji mountain mountainside county, the protagonist, Hiro Qing-mi, is a single mother who works in a business hotel, and one day accidentally meets an alien, the story begins.
detail:In a small town in Japan's proud Fuji Mountain Peak Mountain County, the protagonist, Shiro Qing-mi, is a single mother working in a business hotel, one day accidentally encountered an alien, the story begins. if she is a simple girl, she will establish friendship with aliens, and the youth adventure drama of fighting for justice and great evil is about to begin, but, after experiencing the world's sweet and bitter adult beauty, asks for her to solve the small events in her work and private life at the level of the alien.
remark:The 01 Series
Update time:
2025-02-10 12:45:02