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actor:by Jaimie, Alexander

Latest Rating:6.0
Highest number of likes:242638
area:America is
class:Scary and horror.
director:John and Shiban
blurb:Tired of the busy ordinary life, Texas girl Nicole Carroll (Jamie Alexander Jaimie Alexander) and her boyfriend Jesse Hills (Joey Mendicino) leave home and drive to Los Angeles after him.
detail:Tired of the busy ordinary life, Texas girl Nicole Carlo (Jamie Alexander Jaimie Alexander) and her boyfriend Jesse Hills (Joy Mandicino Joey Mendicino) leave home and drive to Los Angeles to pursue her performance dreams. the two go along, accompanied by chats, storage and quarrels. while they are lost, there is little gasoline left, it is not easy to find a remote and outdated resting station. After using the nearby dark, dirty bathroom, Nicole discovers that Jesse and the car have disappeared from the air.
remark:The word HD
Update time: 2023-08-30 23:19:06


