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Money officer

actor:Suzuka, Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang and Shijiazhuang.

Latest Rating:4.8
Highest number of likes:50397
language:The Japanese
class:Drama, Crime and Japan
director:The Valley of Taro,岩本仁志
blurb:It became clear that the original Monkey Panch's "Lupan III" was produced jointly by three Japanese TV, WOWOW, and Hulu companies.
detail:The original Monkey Panch's "Lupin III" appeared as the main character of the Penny Sheriff's real-life drama "Penny Sheriff's" was produced jointly by Japanese TV, WOWOW, and Hulu's 3 companies. The main character and Penny Sheriff's ministry role was played by鈴木亮平. The Penny Sheriff's Investigation Department's Criminal Service was decided by the former Tadeo Duna and Mitsupur, and was broadcast and distributed in 2017. This special episode as a Japanese TV broadcast, set for 112 minutes. the series consists of two four episodes of the short series, respectively: "Penny Sheriff's Crime File", which began to be broadcast on Hulu on February 10; and "Penny Sheriff'
remark:has finished
Update time: 2023-09-02 00:17:46



