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The Fallen Castle.

actor:by Jeffrey Comes.

Latest Rating:6.6
Highest number of likes:277422
area:America is
class:Scary and horror.
director:by Stuart Gordon.
blurb:H. Lovecraft novel adaptation: A cold-door horror film in collaboration with Stuart Gordon and the Full Moon Company, probably tells the story; a man named John accidentally inherited a luxurious magnificent castle.
detail:H. Lovecraft novel adaptation. a cold-door horror film in collaboration with the live-skating director Stuart Gordon and the Full Moon Company, probably tells the story; a man named John accidentally inherited a luxurious magnificent castle, this luxurious castle seems quiet but hides many secrets, there is a long extremely ugly monster in the castle, the monster begins to hide in the dark server to attack John and his family, who is this monster, what is the connection between this luxurious castle and John's life?
remark:The word HD
Update time: 2023-08-30 23:16:22


