The Island Changes.
actor:The forest, the forest, the forest.
Latest Rating:6.2
Highest number of likes:68652
area:Hong Kong
language:Canadian language
class:Scary and horror.
director:Chen is honored.
subtitle:The Zombie Island
blurb:Desolate factory escort Fat Snow, while watching a horror movie, the fictional plot suddenly becomes reality!JEFF, who has always loved to explore humanity, with his obsessive girlfriend BOBO, good death party Ronny and his first-time acquaintance of the mainland model Oviedo and others a row of seven people wander into the deserted mysterious island for years.
detail:Desolate factory escort Fat Snow, while watching a horror movie, the fictional plot suddenly becomes reality!JEFF, who always loves to explore humankind, carries his obsessive girlfriend BOBO, good death party Ronny and his first acquaintance with the mainland model Oahu, and others in a row of seven people to venture into the desolate mysterious island for many years.
remark:The word HD
Update time:
2023-08-30 23:17:20