The rat crisis.
actor:Claire, Borotra, Thierry Nougat, Philip Morrill-Genoa
Latest Rating:5.4
Highest number of likes:63551
area:France is
language:The French
class:Scary and horror.
director:by Charlotte Brunswick.
subtitle:Tragedy: The siege of Paris
blurb:Paris, France, rubbish, mice, they are big heads, in a week mice bite incidents have occurred 3 times. hospital treated in the swimming pool by mice bite patients, in addition to mice worker Paul also bite by the violent mice, the head fainted from sweat entered the hospital; missing cat fell into the rubbish container after being eaten by mice only remains of bones.
detail:France, Paris, rubbish, mice. they are big heads, in a week mice bite incidents have occurred 3 times. hospitals treated the patients bite by mice in the pool, in addition to mice worker Paul also bite by the violent mice, swelling the head sweat settled into the hospital; missing cat fell into the rubbish container and was eaten by the mice only remaining bones. mice reproduction ability is amazing, their old nest is actually a wet and warm laboratory abandoned warehouse. mice from here, bite more and more. doctors use the hormone to gather the mice to the pool, ready to go to the army to eliminate the mice, there are viral antibodies mice will also be eliminated from the disease mice and not completely destroyed, a new bite of m
remark:The word HD
Update time:
2023-08-30 23:18:08