The bodies crossed the border.
actor:Timothy Belmi, Dianna Peyer, and Elizabeth Moody
Latest Rating:5.3
Highest number of likes:254991
class:Comedy and horror.
director:by Peter Jackson.
subtitle:New empty house ban DeadAlive
blurb:The story begins with an expedition team on Sumatra Island, where they find a local strange-looking mouse monkey, which they bring back and sell to the zoo, but unexpectedly produces a bad fruit.
detail:The story begins with an expedition team operating in the island of Sumatra, they found a local appearance strange mouse monkey, brought back to the zoo, unexpectedly but therefore produced a bad result. Lenny (Timothy Balme) has a mother very dependent on him, this day the mother was trapped in the cage of the mouse monkey bites a bit. Soon after, she began to become strange, Lenny even saw her eat spiders, bite dogs, behavior anaphylactic. Lenny called the doctor nurse, but was torn by the mother and then turned into zombies. Knowing that the mother became a highly dangerous person, Lenny did not stop hurting her, only killed her and the zombies in the room.
remark:The word HD
Update time:
2023-08-30 23:18:15