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Legendary Spirit.

actor:Harvey Keitel, Jason Salki, Peter O'Toole, Guy, Witcher, Joseph May, Anna Chansler, Florence Hoss, Phillip Nichols, Elizabeth El, Paul McGann, Anthony Leather, Bob Peck, Lynn Farley, Tim McNamara, Peter Moore, Bill Nay, Jim, Wiggins, David Cald, Anthony Kilff, John Grillo, Benjamin Whitcroft, Barbara Hicks, Christopher Dewey, Andrew, Cryer, Paul Powell, Matilda, Sturridge, Anna, Ramsay, Peter White, Ina, Clough, Bill Sturridge, Don He,

Latest Rating:4.3
Highest number of likes:265625
area:England is
class:Drama, suspicion, family, fantasy, horror
director:by Charles Stritch.
blurb:The death of his son Joseph plunged the family into endless sorrow, the father closed his eyebrows all day, and the mother insisted that the son did not leave, but will be embodied as the elephant back to her again.
detail:The death of the son Joseph plunged the family into endless sorrow, the father closed his eyebrows all day, and the mother insisted that the son did not leave, but will return to her as the elephant again. The depressed family atmosphere made the little daughter Sealand feel lonely and no one paid attention to her feelings. One day, cousin Francis (Elizabeth Earl) temporarily lived in the house of Sealand, her father is about to run to the battlefield. The arrival of Francis finally made Sealand regain happiness, the two stayed together all day, consuming each other's time. Joseph was very addicted to the study of the elephants, and even built a small castle for the elephants. Under Frances's strong demand, Sealand took her into the garden and began to look for the traces of
remark:The word HD
Update time: 2023-08-30 23:19:46


