The Wax House
actor:Emile Yanis, Conrad Wetz, Verna Clause, William Diaz, Olga Belaev, John Gotthot, Georg John, Enst LeGar
Latest Rating:6.1
Highest number of likes:246171
class:Horror and fantasy.
director:by Rio Bilinski, Paul Lenny
subtitle:The Waxworks
blurb:Photographed by Paul Lenny in 1924, the Wax House is widely regarded as the last work of expressionism, which adopts a narrative structure similar to that of the fatigued death, telling that the owner of a Wax House invites a writer to compile a story for his wax figure.
detail:Paul Leney filmed in 1924 was widely regarded as the last work of expressionism.The work adopted a narrative structure similar to the fatigue of death, telling the owner of a wax house to a writer to compile the story for his wax characters.The writer wrote three stories: the story of the Caliphus, the story of Ivan Reiter and the story of the horror Jack.The first of which is almost entirely unborn from the fatigue of death, the second is about the tyrants in the Russian history, the third is more bizarre, basically the combination of the two murderous fanatics in the modern history of England, Jack and the sniper Jack, these two Jack are historical suspensions, they are the messengers of hell, people in the world as bloodthirsty, murderous as the murderer.At the end of
remark:The word HD
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2023-08-30 23:16:52