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American wolves in Paris.

actor:Julie, Delpy, Tom, Everett and Scott

Latest Rating:5.8
Highest number of likes:5934
class:Comedy, love, horror and horror
director:by Anthony Willer
subtitle:An American Wolffinaris
blurb:Three young Americans formed the L'Oréal expedition team to the art capital of Paris. arriving that night they began the adventure as planned: a jump at the Eiffel Tower.
detail:Three American youths formed the L'Oréal expedition team came to the capital of art in Paris. arriving that night they began the planned adventure: a jump at the Eiffel Tower. just as they were ready to jump immediately, Andy of the three suddenly saw a girl jumping from him not far away. when he realized that she was looking for a short sight, without hesitation jumped down and saved the girl. unfortunately, his head also hit the iron board and lost consciousness. Andy woke up in the hospital, although his companions still laughed he had no woman's side, but he found that he had a bunch of emotions about the girl.
remark:The word HD
Update time: 2023-08-30 23:18:41


