New York assassination
actor:Jack, Hedley, Almanta, Suska, Howard Ross, Andrea Okipenti, Alexandra Riley Coley, Paul, Ulkov, Cynthia de Ponti, Cosimo Chinery, Daniela Doria
Latest Rating:7.4
Highest number of likes:30646
class:Suspicion, horror, terror and crime
director:by Lucio Vels
subtitle:The New York Ranger
blurb:No Night City, New York, the dark land, the night singing, people immersed in the dream world of fine wine guests, have long forgotten the hidden killer hidden in the darkness.
detail:No night city New York, the strange land, the night, the people immersed in the dream world of fine wine, long forgot the hidden killer hiding in the darkness. one night, a prostitute is brutally killed, police officer Fred William (JackHedley Jack Hyderay) in charge of the investigation of the case, when asking the housewife (Babette Newbitt Newbitt) learns that the dead had talked with a mysterious man with a duck voice the night before.
remark:The word HD
Update time:
2023-08-30 23:19:29