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The Sixth Sense, 1999

actor:Bruce Willis, Haley Joe Osmon, Tony Collette, Olivia Williams, Donnie Wolberg, Travolta Morgan, Peter Anthony Dumbbertis, Glenn Fitzgerald, Miss Barton, Lisa, Summerour, Fields Bamm, Jeffrey Zebniz

Latest Rating:3.1
Highest number of likes:152006
area:America is
class:Theatre, suspicion, horror and horror
director:by M. Nate Shamaran
subtitle:The Sixth Sense (Taiwan)
blurb:Mike (Bruce Willis) is a well-known child psychologist, but there are patients who have always failed to heal, even as a result of the shooting, the teenager then drinks a gun and kills himself, which gives Mike a great psychological shadow, a year later he finds another symptom very similar to the patient boy Cole (Hayley Joe).
detail:Mike (Bruce Willis) is a well-known child psychologist, but there are always unable to cure patients, even as a result of the shooting, the teenager then also drunk suicide.This brings to Mike a great psychological shadow, a year later he found another symptom very like the patient boy Cole (Haley Joe Osmon), and patiently made his doctor.
remark:The word HD
Update time: 2023-08-30 23:19:36


