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The pool talk.

actor:Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh and Shaykh.

Latest Rating:8.0
Highest number of likes:256636
language:The national language
class:Comedy, suspicion, fantasy, Taiwan
director:The Great
blurb:In a car all for a minor boy's car accident, accidentally leaving Lin He Hyun's "little fish" back to the past that he doesn't want to remember, is it he's on the brink of death, or entered the parallel universe's crossing time space?
detail:In a car all for a minor boy's car accident, accidentally leaving Lin He Hyun played the "little fish" back to the past that does not want to remember, is it his deadly edge of the soul, or entered the parallel universe's crossing time space? and like the goddess existing "Annie" Chen, in fact, in the four dead parties caused a whirlwind, back to doubt this strange fantasy-filled atmosphere "pool", in the end still hidden something unexpected surprise.
remark:has finished
Update time: 2023-09-02 00:16:38



