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The Final 4

actor:Thus, he was blessed with the righteousness of the righteous, with the righteousness of the righteous, with the righteousness of the righteous, with the righteousness of the righteous.

Latest Rating:8.8
Highest number of likes:175135
language:The national language
class:Drama, Love, Fantasy, Taiwan
director:Wu is new.
blurb:The collapse of the protective mask leads to the collapse of the three time and space on the edge of the collapse outside of the time and space.The conflict between the war (Roh Jiang) and the sting (Yong Wei Jiang) once again erupted, the two men agreed to conduct a fair contest, and the person who eventually won could become the ultimate new boss, but the two tigers must fight each other.
detail:The collapse of the protective mask leaves the edge of the collapse of the three time-space outside of the gold time-space.The conflict between the war (Roh Jiang) and Zhang Jiang (Zhang Jiang) again erupted, the two men agreed to conduct a fair contest, the person who eventually won can become the ultimate team of new bosses, but the two tigers are struggling to have a injury, is the tragedy inevitable? that side, the Great East (Wangdong City) and the summer are resisting the powerful magical army, they entrusted to protect Reinh (King Jiang) to go to the gold time-space. who knows the two people on their way back encountered enemy burial, this is dispersed, Reinh Jiang falls unclear
remark:has finished
Update time: 2023-09-02 00:17:01



