The Fence
actor:松冈茉优,宫本·亚莉安娜·磨美子,比嘉奈菜子,佐久本宝,志ぃー,吉田妙子,青木崇高,与那城奖, de Lankan望,松田流花, Niki, Reina, Dante Carver,光石研, 新垣结衣
Latest Rating:4.4
Highest number of likes:238497
language:The Japanese
class:Theatre, Japan
director:and Matsumoto.
subtitle:The Fence
blurb:The drama is set in Okinawa and tells the criminal suspicion story of Tokyo-based magazine writer Xiao Matsumoto and local mixed-blooded girl Bigang Cherry, who jointly pursue the truth of the sexual assault case.
detail:The drama is set in Okinawa and tells the criminal suspicion story of Tokyo-based magazine writer Xiao Matsumoto and local mixed-blooded girl Bigang Cherry, who jointly pursue the truth of the sexual assault case.
remark:has finished
Update time:
2023-09-02 00:18:05